There is something so cute about pets getting on our furniture. We all have done it, try not to let them up on your sofa or chair for various reasons. Maybe it the pet hair, or their nails, or maybe that they weigh just as much as a human and should not be jumping on the furniture. Regardless of why you may or may not let them get their paws on your precious furniture these selected few were too cute! How could you tell that face, No! Enjoy!
It is safe in here!

Who me move?! You want to sit here?
What a nice sofa! And it all mine.....until you get home....
Who you calling lazy? Pretty sure i fit here just fine!

It looked bigger than it really is....oh well i still kind of fit!
This is my spot!
Play time? Car ride? Outside? YES!
This is what i do allllllllll day while you are at work!
I am really well behaved at the dinner table and see I can even sit like you!
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