Monday, December 3, 2012

Your home got you ‘climbing the walls?'

No, really- does it? I’m not asking if your home is driving you crazy, I want to know if you’ve installed the latest trend in your home that is all the rage, and rightly so! From last week’s blog post, one of the suggestions for in-home exercise was rock climbing in your own home. Many of you expressed interest (and disbelief!) in this indoor activity phenomenon mentioned in the previous post, so we’re expanding on that topic and expanding your minds to perceive this extreme sport in your extremely awesome home. Enjoy!

 This custom-made wall stands at a grand 36 feet tall inside the home of an avid climber. Complete with belay devices and rope, this rock wall really brings the excitement and rugged charm of the outdoors into the comfort of your own home. Well, as long as your home is four stories tall!

 Designed with fun in mind! This pixelated piece of plywood pictures the image of Fitz Roy in Patagonia created by designer Christoph Schindler of Zurich-based design company Schindler Salmeró for his son as a birthday gift. This DIY project cost him about $200 and less than a day’s work with the right tools and technology.

 Got any little monkeys around the house? A climbing wall is a perfect addition to any kids’ room or play area! While the bright red handles against a white wall is playful and fun, there are some necessary precautionary measures to take. Though kids usually will not attempt incredibly difficult climbs that make falling a real risk, it’s important that safety is always a priority! Make sure that the wall can withstand a child’s weight and that the last hold is no higher than 1.5 times the child’s height. Also, provide some sort of cushion on the ground whether it be a legitimate bouldering crash pad or something more stylish to break their fall.

Not just child’s play! This sophisticated custom-made climbing wall streamlines perfectly with your modern home. This rock wall is artistic and sleek; in passing, it is nearly unrecognizable as a hardcore piece of exercise equipment made by Lunar of Munich.

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